Saturday, December 29, 2012

Senior Discount

Senior. That word means a "senior" in high school. Suddenly, it seems that I qualify for the senior discount on meals at Denny's. Overnight, it seems, I qualify for membership in the AARP. My doctor uses introductory clauses like, "When you reach a certain age..."
To hell with all that!
OK, so yes, it's true that I am not renewing my subscription to Texas Monthly because I can no longer read the articles, which are now printed in fine print -- fine print on a background color that makes it even harder to read.
What happened? While planning for the future, somehow I find myself looking back instead of ahead. Back at lost opportunities, back at poor decisions, back at people left behind...
It's the last week of the year. Morose. That's the word for what I'm feeling. Is that a bad thing? Should I try to put on my Pollyanna pigtails and find joy in the fact that I'm still breathing?
The world is too much with us.
To be a much better mood.

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